Friday, March 11, 2016

I'm Calling Bullsh*t on Slut Shaming

There has been a bit of a controversy since Kim Kardashian posted yet another nude photo of herself and Pink finally having enough decided to comment.

I have a lot of respect for Pink speaking out and I am thankful that someone is finally calling out these women that are using sex and the "I am proud of my body" bullshit to promote themselves and make money. then responded with a blog critical of Pink calling her out for "slut shaming" and saying that we (women) should allow other women to be themselves and proud of their bodies. Well I am calling BULLSHIT on this "new feminism".

I am going to hold myself, my daughter and other women to a higher level than what the Kardashians, Lena Dunhams and Amy Schumers of the world have brought us down to. I have no problem with women being proud of their bodies no matter the size but have some pride in the fact that you do not need to show EVERY inch of that body to get attention, money or fame.

Use your brain, work hard, show you have talents other than giving blow jobs and showing your boobs. Women like Pink, Malala Yousafza, Sadie Robertson and others all receive fame without getting naked but by using their talents, courage and strength of character.

I think as a society we have become so afraid to offend or "judge" others that all behaviors have now become acceptable and we have demeaned ourselves as women. How we can command respect when we don't even respect ourselves enough to call out others when they have gone to far. These women have ruined "The Brand" so to say. They are not trendsetters, they are not brave, they are cliche's and have resorted the base of humanity.

If you want to impress me and others, keep your clothes on, use your brain, strength and create something, break records or run a company. Until then I guess I will continue to "slut shame".

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