Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Several months ago a friend of mine suggested I start a blog, he wanted the blog to be political in nature (since that is what I do for a living) and after a little prodding I started writing. The blog was named the Flashing Green Light (referring to the fact that my life revolved around the green light on my Droid flashing). I was the only one that could see the blog (still a bit self-conscious) but I found it cathartic in many ways. The blog writing fell off when the "Flashing Green Light" on my droid became constant and I couldn't keep up.

Now that I have a little time but need some serious de-stressing I thought it would be good to start up again. Only this time I would keep away from the politics and I would let others read the blog. Inspired by Rants From Mommyland and People that I want to Punch in the Throat I decided to start a blog of my rantings, my kids quotes and my pet's antics.

I hope you all enjoy my future postings (depending on the stress level or my kid's craziness you could get a couple a day).

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to reading this! It should be interesting. I like the background too!
