Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Do you need reminding it is winter?

I am sorry that my first real post is a rant (ok not really since ranting is what I do, just ask my kids) but this has been bugging me for weeks. My kids go to the bus at two different times so I get to see two different sets of kids. My daughter is in Middle School so the kids are roughly 11-13 and my son's age group is 8-10. I will admit we have had a mild winter so far so I will give the parents of the other children a bit of slack but now it has been bitter cold so I can judge.

Let me back up a little and preface this rant. I don't normally judge other parents since on a normal day I would be eligible for the "Bad Mom of the Year" award at least 6 or 7 times, BUT there are times when I have to cross that line.

Dress code (don't let you child freeze, don't let them leave the house dressed like a tramp) is one of those issues. Every morning at both bust stops I have an issue. The first bus stop the kid is still wearing shorts (even on the days it is 12 degrees). Now I understand you want to "pick your battles" but come on and be a parent. If you can't get your kid to dress appropriately for the weather at age 12 I can't imagine how out of control you will be when they are teens (and I am not talking about just dress code then). The second kid is a little more bothersome to me because they do not wear a jacket (just a sweatshirt), hat or mittens. This one bothers me more because these kids have recess which means this child will be outside in the cold for at least 20 minutes freezing their butts off. Now before you say maybe they don't have the money for a jacket, they do, trust me. I want to bring one of my daughter's jacket and tell her to put it on.

I used to be slightly annoyed with the notes we get from the school telling us to make sure our children "dress for the weather" and they list what a child should wear. Now I fully understand why they have to send that letter out.

Moral of the story "DRESS YOUR FREAKIN CHILD FOR THE WEATHER!" or I will judge you and blog about it. Have a nice day ;-0

Now I am off to do Christmas shopping for my husband (depending on how that goes you may get an earful later today)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Several months ago a friend of mine suggested I start a blog, he wanted the blog to be political in nature (since that is what I do for a living) and after a little prodding I started writing. The blog was named the Flashing Green Light (referring to the fact that my life revolved around the green light on my Droid flashing). I was the only one that could see the blog (still a bit self-conscious) but I found it cathartic in many ways. The blog writing fell off when the "Flashing Green Light" on my droid became constant and I couldn't keep up.

Now that I have a little time but need some serious de-stressing I thought it would be good to start up again. Only this time I would keep away from the politics and I would let others read the blog. Inspired by Rants From Mommyland and People that I want to Punch in the Throat I decided to start a blog of my rantings, my kids quotes and my pet's antics.

I hope you all enjoy my future postings (depending on the stress level or my kid's craziness you could get a couple a day).